Edizioni precedenti
September 17
- IOT and strategic infrastructures
- 5G and critical infrastructures
- Artificial intelligence and critical infrastructures
- Human error, prevention and management
September 16
- Welcome greetings and address interventions
- Strategic infrastrutures and digitalization
- Correlation between cyber security, security & safety
- National and internationl regulatory framework
- Supply chain and OSE (Operators of essential services) certification context
10th CSET Technical Visit: Freight and ferry security controls and procedures in the port of Genoa (by invitation only)
The visit, conducted by the Port Security Officer of Genoa Port Authority, will lead the guests through a short but significant route in the Security management of this important critical infrastructure.
Goods and people, ideal union to make the operation of protection device complex. Counter-terrorism, smuggling, illegal immigration and unauthorized transport of dangerous goods. The critical set of threats to keep under control.
All this requires an articulate and dynamic security machine.
The guests will be able to watch “in live” the control operations of one of the main cargo terminals, with the possibility of observing the interaction of technological systems in support of the operators and the interconnections with national data platforms.
To integrate the experience the guests will be immersed in the articulate reality of the passenger control, in the complex purview of national and international ferry terminal.
11th June: Welcome Cocktail and Tour of the University campus of Savona Smart Microgrid (by invitation only)
12th June – CSET2018 DAY ONE: Cyber Security for Energy Infrastructure
- Policy & Organization: Security by design – Awareness, Communication, Human factor, Behavioral Pattern Analysis. Enabling concepts (Behind the scenes of cyber incident: APT corp. communications case study – How can security teams successfully fight advanced threats? – Why did big brands, some with big cybersecurity budgets, fall victim to attack in 2017? – Next generation, complex threats require more: it’s about the right security process, expertise and tools)
- The Cyber Security, Resilience and Business Continuity for Electrical Grid National Committee 4-years activity budget
- The threats and opportunities of IoT security (Taking responsibility for IoT beyond your business)
- Networking – B2B Session
13th June – CSET 2018 DAY TWO: Cyber Security for Transport & Mobility infrastructure
- Security in critical infrastructure for transport, threat landscape, awareness and how two move on
- Securing big urban data and critical national infrastructure in smart environments
- Society 5.0 – integrating man and machine
- Networking – B2B Session
Here are the topics of the conference:
Cyber Security for Energy & Transport Infrastructure
International Conference